Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Unit 3 Story: Abby Sunderland Sets Sail
In Unit 3 there is a true story about Abigail Sunderland, a 16 year old girl who wants to sail around the world on her own.
English Corner,
Nascuts 2003
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Monday, November 4, 2013
5th grade A unit 2: Technology Time
We started a really fun unit in 5th grade about technology. These are the drawings children came up with. Keep up the good work!
Halloween in 3rd grade
Last week we celebrated Halloween at school. Children made paper bags in 3rd grade. They had a great time cutting, sticking and crafting.
English Corner,
Nascuts 2005
Notebooks in 4th grade B
Unit 2 is called New York, New York. Look at all these lovely notebooks. Children did their best. I couldn't choose only one notebook, so we decided to take a photo of them all.
English Corner,
Nascuts 2004
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
The Stars in 2nd grade A
During the month of October, all these children were helping and listening to me as well as working in class so much that I decided to take them a photo and let you know. They are truly stars! Well done, children!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2006
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Incy Wincy Spider in P5
This is the way we made our spiders last day at school. We learnt a song called Incy Wincy spider and realised that spiders got 8 legs. Children really enjoyed themselves. Check the photos below.
English Corner,
Nascuts 2008,
Monday, October 21, 2013
Rubbing Leaves
We learned about Autumn at school today. After learning a poem, we all started a fun activity using leaves. Children enjoyed it a lot!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2007
Scrapbooking in 1st grade
Children love their scrapbooks! Last Friday we worked all the afternoon on them.
Have a look!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2007
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Our Letters Are On Their Way!
In 5th grade, we've already started a Pen pal project. We're practicing our writing skills while meeting new friends. We are starting a cultural pen pal exchange with a school in California (the USA). We wrote our first letter in class. We're sending them to our friends in Chico (Butte) by the end of the week. On Friday, they'll be on their way to you! Let us know as soon as you get the package!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2003
Sunday, September 22, 2013
English Notebooks in 5th grade
These are the notebooks children came up with once I gave them a little picture to start their drawings. Some are quite amazing! I'm really proud on how the activity turn out in the end. Have a look and tell me what you think!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2003
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
See You on Thursday 12th!
Hi, there! How were your summer holidays? Did you have fun with your families? Hope you had the best holidays ever! Can't wait to see you all again and meet the new ones as well. A new school year is just around the corner. See you all on Thursday!
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
HaPpY SuMmEr HoLiDaYs!
Have a wonderful summer. Enjoy every minute and second with your family and friends! See you all back in September.
2nd grade B sing...
This is the last song we learned in the English Lesson in 2nd grade. Children learned it pretty fast so I decided to make a post with this video to celebrate the beginning of the summer. Enjoy!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2005
Friday, May 24, 2013
And The Winner Is... Mireia!!
Mireia Ramon is the winner of The Fonix competition this year. She is the absolute winner of the 6th grade category of Catalonia.
Today, we were invited to attend the awards ceremony in Barcelona. Mireia got a two-week stay in an English summer camp and a diploma. Congratulations! We are so happy and so proud of you sweetheart! Keep working hard!
Today, we were invited to attend the awards ceremony in Barcelona. Mireia got a two-week stay in an English summer camp and a diploma. Congratulations! We are so happy and so proud of you sweetheart! Keep working hard!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2001
Scones For Breakfast
Today I really enjoyed my breakfast. Look at these delicious scones Pol brought at school; strawberry jam and butter, too! The best scones ever! So yummy! Thanks Pol!

Scones are an English breakfast biscuit. They are slightly sweet, and very tender. Generally, they are made with cream, and can have raisins, or other dried fruits. If you want to make them at home try the recipe below.

Ingredients225g/8oz self raising flour - pinch of salt
- 55g/2oz butter
- 25g/1oz caster sugar
- 150ml/5fl oz milk
- 1 free-range egg, beaten, to glaze (alternatively use a little milk)Preparation method1) Heat the oven to 220ºC/425F. Lightly grease a baking sheet.2) Mix together the flour and salt and rub in the butter.3) Stir in the sugar and then the milk to get a soft dough.4) Turn on to a floured work surface and knead very lightly. Pat out to a round 2cm/¾in thick. Use a 5cm/2in cutter to stamp out rounds and place on a baking sheet. Lightly knead together the rest of the dough and stamp out more scones to use it all up.5) Brush the tops of the scones with the beaten egg. Bake for 12-15 minutes until well
risen and golden.
English Corner,
Nascuts 2003
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
The Univers
In 3rd grade we love to learn new things. Today we learned about The Univers in English!! We had so much fun!!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2004
The Castle
We already started unit 7 in 4th grade. As usual, we made a notebook contest. Look how cute are these notebooks. Congratulations children!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2003
A Lion Called Christian
Today we started unit 7 in 5th grade. The story told in the book is a true story about Christian. For further information watch the video below. Enjoy!
Long version of the story: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4enNZqNrwYc
English Corner,
Nascuts 2002
Sunday, May 5, 2013
The Fonix 2013
On Saturday morning, Mireia went to El Prat to do the final test of The Fonix competition. It was a wonderful day. Soon, we'll know the results. Here she is with another contestant, Marta who turns out to be one of her best friends. Good luck girls!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2001
Friday, May 3, 2013
When I grow up I want to be a ...
We are working on jobs and what people do for life in 4th grade A and B. Their homework was to think about what they want to be when they grow up. Have a look at their notebooks.
English Corner,
Nascuts 2003
Sunday, April 21, 2013
5th grade Notebooks
In 5th grade we are doing lots of work. We already started a unit about jobs. Look at these cute notebooks. Nice, right?
English Corner,
Nascuts 2002
Thursday, April 18, 2013
3rd grade
We are working on clothes and accessories in 3rd grade. Children like talking about what they are wearing. These children finished their work faster than any other. Keep working hard!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2004
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Charlie and Lola
A guest was waiting for the children in class. As soon as they came in, they saw little Lola, sitting on a chair. All the children wanted a photo with her. She brought a jigsaw and a memory game. We love Lola!!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2006
Monday, April 1, 2013
Let's make a pizza!
Chop, chop, chop the tomato.. Is this the song that your child has been singing lately? We love making pizzas in P5! Have a look!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2008,
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Saturday, March 2, 2013
The Fonix
Today, Elena and Mireia went to Girona to do an English Test for The Fonix Competition. They were very excited to be there. Mireia's sister, Anna, was there, too. They did a great job!
We are very proud of you girls! Fingers crossed!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2001,
Nascuts 2002
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Getting Ready...
The English Week is just around the corner. Look what we did today in class. Can you guess what song we are singing in P5?
English Corner,
Nascuts 2008,
Cinema File in 5th Grade
We started a new unit in 5th grade early this week. Congratulations children! Your notebooks are awesome!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2002
Go Away Big Green Monster!
Look at the monster children came out with last Tuesday in class. 1st graders are learning parts of the body quickly. Ask your child about them.
English Corner,
Nascuts 2006
Monday, January 21, 2013
English Week 2013
It's official! This year's English Week is about... (drumroll) the 60s! Children are working hard to learn the lyrics of their songs. Keep tuned for more!