So, the English Week is over. Last Friday, we celebrated the English Week Festival II in the Main Hall. We had the best time ever! Thanks to all the teachers and parents for all your support. See you next year English Week!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Festival Day I
Hi to everybody! How are things? I just wanted to share some pictures from last Friday's Festival Day. Everybody did their best! We're so proud of you all! :D
Thursday, March 17, 2011
The English Week Exhibition
We are so proud of our Emilie's hall. Have a look at all the English stuff children brought! We've got books, The Beatles CD's, teddies, posters, pictures, photos... even The Beatles finger puppets! Thanks so much!
Blue Mango Theatre at school
Last Friday 11th March, the Blue Mango Theatre came to our school to perform Spinderella a modern version of Cinderella. Children loved it! Hope they come back next year!