Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Welcome back!
Hi there! How was your summer? Did you enjoy your free time? Hope you had the best time ever! It's school again! Get ready for a great academic year. We will learn, listen to, sing and play. Stay tuned for more!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Happy Summer Holidays!
Enjoy, rest, sleep, work, do some English, dance, sing, swim and have fun! See you all in September!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
And the winners are...
Unit 7: Champion is the new unit. Actually it's the last unit. This is why the students made an effort to do their best decorating their notebooks. Well done, children!!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2000
Sunday, May 29, 2011
English Week Photos P5
Checking my camera early today, I found all these photos of the last English Week. They are from the rehearsals a week before the big day. Enjoy!!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2005,
The Princess and the Frog
Hi, friends! Early in May, we started working on a new story in 2nd grade. We are learning some new songs related to the Princess & the Frog story. Last week, Martina and Francesc enjoyed acting out the story song.
English Corner,
Nascuts 2003
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Can I have...?
As you may know, we are working on food in 1st grade. We've been doing a restaurant role play in the classroom. It's real fun! We know how to ask for a sandwich; Can I have a lettuce and eggs sandwich, please? Ask your child to play with you. Use the paper sandwich we made a week ago.
English Corner,
Nascuts 2004
2nd grade Best Busy Book
These are the winners of the best busy book. Congratulations to Marc M., Laia & Xavier from 2nd A; Martina, Arek & Carlota from 2nd B!!

English Corner,
Nascuts 2003
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Paper Sandwiches
We are learning food words in 1st grade. We made our own paper sandwiches today. Ask your child about the food songs we are learning. Tomatoes and cheese, Oh! Delicious! Lettuce and eggs, Oh! Delicious! Chicken and ham, Oh! Delicious! Yum, Yum, Yummy for me! Enjoy your meal! :D
English Corner,
Nascuts 2004
5th Grade Cover Competition
We've already started a new unit, Volcano! These children are the winners of the cover competition. Congratulations!! 
English Corner,
Nascuts 2000
Monday, April 18, 2011
Happy Easter!
Hope you enjoy this holidays with all your family and friends! Have fun! See you next Tuesday at school!
The Parrot Song
We learnt a new song about a beautiful parrot in 1st grade. We did some colouring in the classroom as well. Ask your child about the song. I'm a parrot look at me, I'm red, yellow, blue, purple, orange and green! I can fly. I can fly. I can fly in the sky... Check the photos.
English Corner,
Nascuts 2004
Monday, March 28, 2011
English Festival II
So, the English Week is over. Last Friday, we celebrated the English Week Festival II in the Main Hall. We had the best time ever! Thanks to all the teachers and parents for all your support. See you next year English Week!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Festival Day I
Hi to everybody! How are things? I just wanted to share some pictures from last Friday's Festival Day. Everybody did their best! We're so proud of you all! :D
Thursday, March 17, 2011
The English Week Exhibition
We are so proud of our Emilie's hall. Have a look at all the English stuff children brought! We've got books, The Beatles CD's, teddies, posters, pictures, photos... even The Beatles finger puppets! Thanks so much!
Blue Mango Theatre at school
Last Friday 11th March, the Blue Mango Theatre came to our school to perform Spinderella a modern version of Cinderella. Children loved it! Hope they come back next year!

Thursday, February 24, 2011
English Week 2011
This year the 6th Edition of the English Week is about The Beatles! Is your child singing at home old Beatles songs? They already have the Beatlemania fever! So, you can start looking for all those old pictures, videos, photos, posters, pins... for the Beatles exhibition. Bring them to school with your child's name and grade written on them. The English Week is from 11th to 25th March. Stay tuned for more!
Working on the weather
We've been working and singing a lot about the weather in P5 lately. We played the weather game last week in the English lesson. Check the pictures.

English Corner,
Nascuts 2005,
Saturday, February 5, 2011
On the farm...
We've been working on the farm topic in 2nd grade lately. Last Thursday Marc G. and Junxian did a great job drawing and colouring a picture about the farm. Well done!! :D
English Corner,
Nascuts 2003
Thursday, January 27, 2011
New unit
Early this week we started unit 4 in 5th grade. It's all about animals. Look at the winners! They've got the best drawings. You did a great job!! Congratulations!!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2000