Thursday, December 30, 2010
4th grade Christmas Cards
Hope you all had the best time on Christmas day with your family. Did you hang the card on the Christmas tree? Take a photo of your Christmas decorations and bring it at school. You can explain me how you decorated your living room, your bedroom or your front door. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2001
Monday, December 20, 2010
1 Little Star on the Top of the Tree
5th grade students also learnt a xmas poem. We've been practising all month long. Watch the video. What do you think?
English Corner,
Nascuts 2000
Christmas is forever
4th grade students are learning a Christmas Poem. Remember to say it standing on a chair on Christmas Eve! Your family will be very proud of you! :D
English Corner,
Nascuts 2001
1st grade Christmas Poem
May your Christmas be as bright as the star on that first Christmas night. Merry Christmas! Has your child been saying these words at home? You're lucky! You've been listening to the Christmas Poem that we've learnt in the English lesson. Remember to ask them to say it standing on a chair on Christmas Eve!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2004
Gingerbread Man
We've been listening to the Gingerbread Man story and song in P5 lately. What a surprise when we decorated paper cookies in the classroom. They became alive! They came out hot from the oven saying "Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me; I'm the Gingerbread man! Watch the following video and photos.
English Corner,
Nascuts 2005,
Friday, December 3, 2010
Colour Rap
We sing and dance a lot in the English lessons. Have a look at the next video. How cute are these kids?
English Corner,
Nascuts 2004
5th grade notebooks
Hi, there! We've already started unit 3 in 5th grade. This new unit is about adventure sports so children let fly their imagination and drew all these amazing pictures. What do you think?
English Corner,
Nascuts 2000
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Colours in 1st grade
This week we've been mixing colours to get new ones. We had a great time playing with paint and water. We were singing "Blue and yellow, blue and yellow, blue and yellow make green!" "Red and yellow, red and yellow, red and yellow make orange!" Ask your child for more details.
English Corner,
Nascuts 2004
Saturday, October 30, 2010
5th grade craft
We made some Arts and Crafts in fifth grade on Thursday. Halloween Straws! Remember to use them on Halloween. I'm sure that your chocolate milk will taste better than ever before with these magic straws! Have fun!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2000
Halloween Concertina
2nd grade students had a great time learning this Halloween tongue twister:
In a big, big house there's a small, small witch with a big big hat.
And the small, small witch with a big, big hat, has got a small, small cat.
And the small, small witch with a big, big hat, has got a small, small cat and a big, big bat.
And the small, small witch with a big, big hat and the small, small cat and the big, big bat say: "Happy Halloween!"
In a big, big house there's a small, small witch with a big big hat.
And the small, small witch with a big, big hat, has got a small, small cat.
And the small, small witch with a big, big hat, has got a small, small cat and a big, big bat.
And the small, small witch with a big, big hat and the small, small cat and the big, big bat say: "Happy Halloween!"
English Corner,
Nascuts 2003
Incy Wincy Spider
Learning the Incy Wincy Spider is sooo much fun! Check the video!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2005,
Halloween with the little ones
During the last few weeks, we learned many things about Halloween. From lots of vocabulary to a song. And even a chant about 5 little pumpkins. Children loved playing with all these stuff, too! Ask your child about it.
English Corner,
Nascuts 2004
How to Carve a Pumpkin for Halloween
A well-known tradition is to carve a pumpkin for Halloween. Have you all got your jack-o-lanterns ready? Just in case you didn't have enough time to do it, go to your nearest grocery and get a nice pumpkin. Follow these steps to have the best jack-o-lantern of your neighbourhood. Ask an adult to help you.
1. Put an old newspaper under your pumpkin before you start working.
2. Ask an adult to cut a circle around the stem.
3. Remove the stem and dig in.
4. Use a big spoon to remove everything from the inside of the pumpkin; seeds and flesh.
5. Use a marker to draw the eyes, nose and mouth.
6. Ask an adult to cut out the face.
7. Put a candle inside the pumpkin. Switch of the lights and watch how it glows.
Have a nice and safe Halloween! :D
1. Put an old newspaper under your pumpkin before you start working.
2. Ask an adult to cut a circle around the stem.
3. Remove the stem and dig in.
4. Use a big spoon to remove everything from the inside of the pumpkin; seeds and flesh.
5. Use a marker to draw the eyes, nose and mouth.
6. Ask an adult to cut out the face.
7. Put a candle inside the pumpkin. Switch of the lights and watch how it glows.
Have a nice and safe Halloween! :D
Autumn poem
2nd grade students learned an autumn poem. Check the video!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2003
Thursday, October 21, 2010
5 Little Pumpkins
We are learning a traditional Halloween Chant in 1st grade. 5 Little Pumpkins sitting on a gate...
English Corner,
Nascuts 2004
P5 Medals
We are learning the colours in P5. As you may know, each child wears a medal during the English lesson. These medals are related to our Little English Book. Every Thursday, one kid gets the chance to take the book and an English music CD home. Hope you enjoy the book and the CD as well as we enjoy them in the classroom!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2005,
5th grade notebooks
Some of our 5th grade students turned out to be artists! We started unit 2 and they decorated their notebooks brilliantly. Check the photos.
English Corner,
Nascuts 2000
Autumn Poem
Autumn is already here. In 2nd grade we learned a beautiful poem. Have a look!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2003
Friday, October 8, 2010
Can I borrow your pencil, please?
We are learning how to ask for school objects. Be sure to watch these videos of our 2nd grade students.
English Corner,
Nascuts 2003
Bugs Chain Game
We played a chain game during the last English lesson in first grade. Enjoy the video!
English Corner,
Nascuts 2004
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Storytime!
Chicka, Chicka, BOOM, BOOM! Has your child been shouting these words throughout your home this week? Don’t worry… the kids aren’t learning a secret language. This week they worked very hard to learn the alphabet with this fun book, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. Many of you may remember the “Alphabet” song from your childhood! Sing it at home with your kid and play a spelling game. There's also an alphabet song in the songs CD. Watch the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom story video!
Hello Colin Song
We are learning the names of the Bugs in 1st grade. Butterfly, Ladybird, Bee, Snail, Colin the Caterpillar and Annie the Ant. Last day, we did a cut out. We were able to take all the cards home! Practise the names of all the bugs with your child as well as singing the songs on the English CD. Have fun!
Friday, September 17, 2010
New Books!
We started working on our books in 1st grade. We had a great time colouring, singing songs and listening to the first tale of the year: Hide and Seek. Colin the Caterpillar, the main character of the book, plays Hide and Seek with his friends. Ask your child to tell you the story, it's so fun! Enjoy the photos!
5th Grade Notebooks
Saturday, September 11, 2010
First Day of School
Monday, September 6, 2010
September- New School Year!

Hi! Welcome back! :D
How was your summer? Did you go to the beach? Did you go to the swimming pool? Have you been abroad? NY or London? Anyway, wherever you've been or stayed, hope you had the best summer holidays ever!!
It's already September. After a well deserved break... it's time to go back to work, school and daily routines.
Teachers started working a few days ago, getting ready for a year full of surprises!
We are very excited to see your pretty faces tomorrow. :D
Have a good start!!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Hi, there!
Everything comes to an end, and the 5th English Week Edition already did. We've been so busy during the past three weeks that I didn't even have time to post anything about the English Week. We're so proud how things have gone. Children had the time of their lives on the stage. Each and everyone did their best. We've learnt together that English is great fun! I want to thank all the parents who could come and those who'd like to come but because of their schedules they couldn't make it. And of course all the teachers who were involved in the project. The English Week is here to stay for long! Hope to see you next year. Some ideas came up, so now we've just started working on the 6th Edition of the English Week.
Everything comes to an end, and the 5th English Week Edition already did. We've been so busy during the past three weeks that I didn't even have time to post anything about the English Week. We're so proud how things have gone. Children had the time of their lives on the stage. Each and everyone did their best. We've learnt together that English is great fun! I want to thank all the parents who could come and those who'd like to come but because of their schedules they couldn't make it. And of course all the teachers who were involved in the project. The English Week is here to stay for long! Hope to see you next year. Some ideas came up, so now we've just started working on the 6th Edition of the English Week.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Benvolguts pares i mares:
El proper 6 d’abril iniciarem la cinquena edició de l’ “English Week” a l’escola. Hi participarà Ed. Infantil i Ed. Primària. Aquest any estudiarem i treballarem l’estat d’Indiana, la seva capital Indianapolis i un artista nascut en aquest estat Michael Jackson. Treballarem la geografia, la moneda, llocs per visitar, les tradicions i la cultura americana, la música, el menjar típic… També farem una exposició de material: fotografies, postals i diferents objectes dels Estats Units. Us agrairíem molt la vostra col•laboració. Podeu portar qualsevol tipus de material (marcat amb el nom del vostre/ a fill/a i el curs) relacionat amb els EEUU. Podeu portar algun conte en anglès, algun DVD o CD de cançons, postals, bitllets o monedes, fotografies, informació… Si algun pare o mare vol venir a explicar un conte o alguna experiència viscuda als Estats Units us podeu posar en contacte amb el tutor/a. Gràcies per la vostra col•laboració un any més.
The English Teachers.
El proper 6 d’abril iniciarem la cinquena edició de l’ “English Week” a l’escola. Hi participarà Ed. Infantil i Ed. Primària. Aquest any estudiarem i treballarem l’estat d’Indiana, la seva capital Indianapolis i un artista nascut en aquest estat Michael Jackson. Treballarem la geografia, la moneda, llocs per visitar, les tradicions i la cultura americana, la música, el menjar típic… També farem una exposició de material: fotografies, postals i diferents objectes dels Estats Units. Us agrairíem molt la vostra col•laboració. Podeu portar qualsevol tipus de material (marcat amb el nom del vostre/ a fill/a i el curs) relacionat amb els EEUU. Podeu portar algun conte en anglès, algun DVD o CD de cançons, postals, bitllets o monedes, fotografies, informació… Si algun pare o mare vol venir a explicar un conte o alguna experiència viscuda als Estats Units us podeu posar en contacte amb el tutor/a. Gràcies per la vostra col•laboració un any més.
The English Teachers.
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Yes, it is true. This year's English Week is about him, Michael Jackson. The songs are already given. 1st and 2nd grade sing Jacksons' Five songs. 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade sing all time songs. From The girl is mine to This is it. We're all working on the English Week, hope children enjoy it as much as we do!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
January is almost over!
Welcome back! What an interestig start to 2010 we had! We've been busy telling new stories, learning new songs, doing some tests...
We are also working on the English Week. Actually, this will be the 5th Edition. We will celebrate it after the Easter break. So, stay tuned for further information. I can tell you that it will be amazing!
We are also working on the English Week. Actually, this will be the 5th Edition. We will celebrate it after the Easter break. So, stay tuned for further information. I can tell you that it will be amazing!